The White Blood Cell

The White Blood Cell
Blueberry Smoothie

Introducing the white blood cell…

Your very own knight in shinning armour. Amassing a huge presence with the body, it's almost enumerable. 

So how many white bloods cells do we have in the average human body?  

The normal WBC (white blood cell) count is 4500 - 10000 per micro litre of blood.  The body itself has 5.6 litres of blood.  Therefore: If we times it by 5.6 litres (amount of blood per body) we get between 25,200,000,000 - 56,000,000,000 white blood cells per human body!

Now let's consider that the white blood cell is your individual and unique knight in shinning armour.  It is your defender again disease, illness and causes of premature death.

Why then, would we want to put in our body's. one of the most addictive and destructive food substances called sugar, that literally puts our white blood cells to sleep, temporarily inactive. 

If you drink one soda containing around 10 spoons of sugar, your white blood cells will sleep for 5 hours!

Choosing healthy alternatives taste delicious and feel like a glorious medicines.  Natural occuring sugar as organic vanilla, maple syrup, and cinnamon, taste delightful, not to mention fruits and berries.  Keep your white blood cells, your army of warriors, awake ready for action.