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Journey inside a cell with Wild Heart Strong





An amazing adventurer... With an attitude hungry for new information, thoughts, directions... Yearning to know what it is like to be within a living cell... Ready to be healthier, stronger, longer... Reaching for hope and courage...

Saying and believing in 'I Can'.



Put your fear down, latch that parachute on, jump with me from 18,000 feet and land on the shore of a living cell.

On this journey you will learn new thoughts and tips on how to care for you, from the 3D cellular view within. 

We will journey from the cell shore, explore a cell membrane and watch it in action, feel a “cell danger response” when a (bad) spirochete enters, watch an energy-making packet called the mitochondrion and see its new roles in fighting for your health every nanosecond, ohhhh you will learn new things!




“Why this journey?”

“Why this living journey?”

“Why this journey to the center of a living cell?”

Short answer?  The cell holds untapped answers to health and wellness. We must re-think health and wellness.  Sadly, languaging and teaching around health and wellness is devoid of true feelings and emotions - felt at the cell level. Too often, it’s boring, uninspiring, and not hopeful.

It has failed us. I plan to change this.  So, game on!

I am a nurse, educator and storyteller.  As a nurse (to cherish, nourish, protect), educator (to mentor, coach) and storyteller (to make alive, fire up zip/pep/drive, feel the marvel).... my mission is to uphold the good fight, the fight of wellness against illness within…the cell. So I must cherish, nourish, mentor and make alive these concepts so you can feel the awe, be inspired and sense the “marvel” held within a cell, your cells that so few really know and feel.  

(Now hold on...big concept coming...) Then watch as “marvel” sparks changes that happen within a cell; changes to performance in structure, function and behavior; changes within cellular, molecular and DNA neighborhoods.  Think of “marvel” as changes within the cell when you change from “I can’t” to the “I can.” Marvel is felt when we change from trembling to calm, from fear to courage, from despair to hope....

The speed of “marvel” equals the speed of an “Aha! moment” which is about 1/2 second or the speed of a thought.  So marvel = 500ms = 1/2 second.  Marvel is that internal insight which connects the dots to help us make a change in performance.  You know those areas where we have blocks in performance - hurdles we have just not been able to jump over.  Marvel connects those dots sending us over those hurdles to continue our journey. Yes, on our cell journey you will see those changes happen so fast within the cell...all the way to the DNA level.  Faster than fast. And you will have your own Aha! moments.  Marvelous.  Aha!   Hmmmm...

Making a cell live, in language that sparks hope, rekindling motivation has been my key to success.  Storytelling and animation brings it to life. 

So how do you make the cell live and feel it at the molecular level?  How do you experience it, sense it, hear it speak to you?  How do you quantify that movement within?  What triggers cell health?  What causes illness to grow from within the cell?  And practically how do you change the cell and molecular triggers that you feel in symptoms as sleeplessness, “burn out”, fibromyalgia, gut problems, sadness, depression, etc.?

Well, try landing on a cell wall; works real well to answer these questions.  And once on a cell wall we go further and explore it as a foreign country because no one thinks about their cells and the vital life of fitness they hold...until now.

On the Journey to the Center of a Living Cell here are some successful tips from a seasoned adventurer.

  1. Watch: Watch the videos with full sound and full screen. Listen closely.

  2. Experience it: This is a WILDHEARTSTRONG DARE….

  • Re-play the video and listen with one hand on your feel your cells moving within you delivering food and oxygen for life and health.

  • Put your hand on your chest to feel your lungs expand to bring more oxygen to your cells.

  • Consider, that meal you ate a few hours before watching this video, is now in route to your cells and will tune up (health) or down (illness) molecular performance. Do you feel the meal you ate is tuning up health and wellness within your cells or shutting it down? Simple question - just a “yes” or “no” for now. We will deep dive later into food-cell connection.

  1. Marvel: Get your Aha! moment. What did you learn from the video that you can put into action to re-write your health and wellness adventure as Journey to the Center of My Living Cell?

  2. Start your Journey to the Center of My Living Cell.

  • Journal it.

  • Start a support group within your community so you have the support you need to make marvelous health changes. just take one step today to get the support you need.

  • Share your journey.

  • Measure your journey. Start simply with writing down how well you are sleeping, how much you are moving/walking etc., and what you are eating. Then add one change you want to make and be sure to add how you will measure this change.

Use these “success tips” with each Journey to the Center of a Living Cell video.  I will be adding more as we get deeper into the cell language and concepts.

My mission is to uphold the good fight, the fight of wellness against illness within…the cell. So I must cherish, nourish, mentor and make alive these concepts so you can feel the awe, be inspired and sense the “marvel” held within a cell, your cells that so few really know and feel. 

I challenge you to be one of those few who really know and feel “marvel.”

Feel the awe.

Be inspired.

Sense the marvel.

Start your journey to the center of a living cell, now.








“What a beautiful book the DNA of Hope is. Rather than simply describing the risks for disease in our genes, Ann-Louise Johnson has brought out the true story of their enormous power. She describes how we can live with good health, vitality, and joy if we treat our genes with respect. I love this book because it uncovers the story of hope embedded in our genetic structure. This is a MUST read for anyone seeking how to get the most out of their limitless genetic potential.”

Dr Jeffery Bland
(President of Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute)
