
Mitochondria diagram

Introducing the Mitochondria…

Meet the fuel centre of each of your cells.  An amazing generator of energy, a convertor, a power house of activity when healthy.

The mitochondria uses the molecules from healthy, wholesome food that moves through the cells as if on an assembly line.  The good stuff is mixed with the body's own vitamin B reserves from within the cell, along with other vitamins and minerals to create energy - lots of it!

Why is Mitochondria so busy?  It's repairing cells, duplicating cells, making proteins to distribute around the body to other cells, keeping the entire mechanism healthy, strong and powerful.  The kind of power that has your skin glowing and ready to be active.  It releases unnecessary CO2 back to the centre of the body for the diaphragm squeeze out via your lungs. 

It helps us to remember the Mitochondria when breathing.  When we exhale, remember the CO2 omission is a result of your very own energy centre, within your cells, releasing what it doesn't need.